Cartoons caricateur Video فيديو ورسوم وكاريكاتيرات

If you have any cartoons, caricateur or video or picture that you want to share with others please send to us thanks.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just click on the link

Just click on the link above,

click on play, then leave the mouse alone, sit back and enjoy a piece of creative brilliance.

I wonder who had 'time' to do this.

اضغط على الرسمه ثم اضغط play، دع الماوس و استرخي واستمتع بالمشاهده ......انه عمل ابداعي فعلا
اتساءل من لديه الوقت لعمل كهذا؟؟؟؟

Salam ...

المصري الطرابلسي

Friday, June 25, 2010

Miracle boy

A little boy who's full of life is one of the miracles in the Children's Miracle Network.
He's not even two yet but Owen has overcome the odds of being born with a severe birth defect. After multiple surgeries and with the help of the doctors at the Golisano Children's Hospital, Owen is a happy little boy.
Owen Harford is an otherwise healthy 18 month old boy but he's already endured five complicated surgeries and that's one reason Owen was recently recognized as one of this year's Miracle Kids.
Owen was born with a severe birth defect -- Gastroschisis, where his abdominal wall didn't close properly, and his intestines formed on the outside of his body.
The Harfords lives near Binghamton. And when April Harford was on her way to Golisano Children's Hospital for a checkup, she went into labor, weeks early.
Chief of Pediatric Surgery Dr. Walter Pegoli said, “He had a very significant abdominal wall defect where the hole in the abdominal wall was very, very large. Most of his intestines and his liver were on the outside. And so that's a problem. It's not compatible with life. It's fatal if it's not fixed obviously.”
Owen had to undergo multiple surgeries to re-construct his abdomen to make it functional.
Pediatric Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Girotto said, “To make Owen's abdomen back to normal you need to recreate all of the layers he was missing. So he needed prenatal lining. He needed new muscles, and new fascia to support that. He needed skin and the fat underneath as well. So we had to re-create all of those layers to put the abdomen back together.”
Doctors say Owen will grow up to be a healthy normal well-adjusted kid but he may also need further surgery to tighten his muscles along his abdomen.
Dr. Girotto said, “We have other children similar to Owen, and as they come into their teenage years, they often want a belly button like everybody else has. So the last step for Owen will be a make him a belly button when he gets closer to ten years old.”
The Harfords say they appreciated all the attention Owen got in the hospital. Doctors say Owen did great and so did his Mom. She said, “It allows you to put your trust into God and into the doctors. Just to know they are caring and that they're going to do everything they can and they're going to treat your child like their own, to try to pull them through no matter what. It was just a huge blessing to be able to receive treatment at Golisano.”

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Red Indians in Henry St Dublin الهنود الحمر في هنري ستريت دبلن

لا زالوا يغنون للشمس وقد يحتاجون للدعوة الى الله
Nice melodies but still pointing to the sun as if they are worshipping the sun. They need Dawa.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BIDs for KIDs قراقوزللاطفال

قرقوز للاطفال بالبلاش تقيمه بلدية دبلن والدعوة عامة
Free Children’s Puppet Shows in Dublin City Centre

Dear Dublin City BID Member,

This month we are bringing free entertainment for kids to the city with a host of Free Puppet Shows for children as part of our BIDs for KIDs Summer Programme. Taking place in Arnotts, Henry Street, and the Powerscourt Shopping Centre, South William Street every weekend in July, we are providing a fun and interesting way for kids and families to spend a few hours in the city this July.

Renowned puppeteer Conor Lambert will entertain and create drama with his unique (Dublin) adaptation of ‘Punch & Judy’. Follow a very naughty Mr.Punch as he is left with the task of minding the house while Judy gets busy with other important chores. Mr. Punch’s inability to take on the simplest of chores leads to hilarious consequences involving the Gardai!

With three shows each day, running for 45 minutes each, Mr Punch will actively encourage children to get involved as he goes about his chores.

The show brings audience participation to a whole new level, ensuring that no two shows will be the same. Face painters will also join in the fun on the day - let your child’s imagination run wild as they will be transformed into roaring lions, beautiful butterflies or laughing clowns.

The sessions are free but pre-booking is essential as spaces are limited. Please telephone the Dublin City BID on 01-8994015 or email to reserve a space.

Puppet Show Details:
1st Show 12.30pm – 1.15pm
2nd Show 2.00pm – 2.45pm
3rd Show 3.30pm- 4.15pm

Each Saturday (Arnotts) and Sunday (Powerscourt Shopping Centre) throughout July.
السبت والاحد
We hope to see you there!
نأمل ان نراك هناك
Kind regards,

Richard Guiney, CEO, Dublin City BID

Richard Guiney
Chief Executive Officer
Dublin City Centre BID Company Ltd
O'Connell Bridge House
Level 2
D'Olier Street
Dublin 2

هواتف للاستفسار

T: + 353 1 6334680
D: + 353 1 8994012
F: + 353 1 6334683
M:+ 353 87 9661455

Sunday, July 5, 2009

كيف تشوى الدجاج؟؟؟

كيف تشوى الدجاج؟؟؟

هل هو حلال؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Saturday, June 27, 2009

و أخيرا اكتشفنا سبب انقطاع الكهرباء

سبب انقطاع الكهرباء و أخيرا اكتشفنا سبب انقطاع الكهرباء سببه الضغط العالىالتيار الكهربائيوالطريف في هذا الخبر ان سبب العطل الذي كان ينجم عنهانقطاع التيار الكهربائي هو سبب مضحك جدا ًكاميرا احد الصحافيين تمكنت من رصد الصورةفي اللحظة التي تم فيها اكتشاف سبب العطل

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scientists say the higher your I.Q. The more you dream

حقائق مثيرة عن الجسد البشري

- Scientists say the higher your I.Q. The more you dream .
يقول العلماء بأنه كلما زاد معدل الذكاء عند الانسان كلما زادت أحلامه
أكبر خلية في جسم الانسان هي البويضة و أصغر خلية هو الحيوان المنوي

- You use 200 muscles to take one step .
يستخدم الانسان 200 عضلة ليقوم بخطوة واحدة فقط

- The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man .
المرأة المتوسطة أقصر من الرجل المتوسط بخمس إنشات

- Your big toes have two bones each while the rest have three .
هناك عظمتين فقط في اصبعي قدميك الكبيرين (كل اصبع عظمتين) بينما يوجد ثلاث عظام في باقي الأصابع

pair of human feet contains 250 ,000 sweat glands . تحتوي قدمي الانسان على 250 الف غدة عرق

- The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica .
يمكن لخلايا الدماغ أن تخزن خمسة أضعاف كمية المعلومات الموجودة في الموسوعة البريطانية

- It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach .
يستغرق الطعام سبع ثوان ليقطع الطريق من الفم إلى المعدة

The average human dream lasts 2-3 seconds . يستغرق حلم الانسان المتوسط 2-3 ثوان

- At the moment of conception, you spent about half an hour as a single cell .
في لحظة الإخصاب ، خلال نصف ساعة تقريبا تبنى خلية واحدة

- There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet .
هناك حوالي تريليون باكتيريا على كلٍ من قدميك

Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil . يطلق الجسد خلال ثلاثون دقيقة حرارة كافية لغليان نصف غالون من الماء

- The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body . مادة المينا الموجودة في الأسنان هي أقسى المواد الموجودة في الجسد

Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born .
تبدأ الأسنان بالنمو قبل ستة أشهر من الولادة

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate .
عندما تنظر لشخص تحبه فإن بؤبؤ العينين يتسعان. كما أنهما يفعلان ذات الشيء عندما تنظر لشخص تكرهه

Your thumb is the same length of your nose . طول إصبعك الابهام يساوي طول أنفك

At this very moment I know well you are putting this last fact to the test ... ... now remove your thumb from your nose and pass this on to the friends you think might be interested in comparing their thumbs to their noses as well . :)
في هذه اللحظة أنا متأكد بأنك قد قمت باختبار الحقيقة الأخيرة..
والآن أبعد إبهامك عن أنفك و مرر هذه الرسالة لأصدقائك الذين قد يثيرهم مقارنة أطوال أصابعهم الإبهام وأنوفهم..